You will have to instruct that your parcels be delivered to this address! Please leave a note that they MUST be left IN STORE! Our hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 10am to 5pm. If you ask that your email or phone number be put on your parcels, we can contact you when we receive them.
Our regular hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 10-5 however if need be, we will have someone on hand to assist you for pick up if our times are inconvenient for you.
Please bring two pieces of government ID when you are picking up! We will not release any parcels without it! You will also be required to sign out your parcels.
The cost is $5 for us to hold your packages.
We do not accept parcels that are HUGE! Please be nice to our backs! :)
Please avoid calling us as we are very busy and do not have time for calls regarding this service. If your email is on your package, we will email you once it is there!
We hope that this service will help everyone have a Merry Christmas knowing their parcels are safe & secure!