Take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We are positive reward/ relationship- based trainers with years of dog training knowledge. We are also extremely knowledgeable with respect to breed types/ genetics and use realistic training techniques. You can read about our fabulous & dedicated team by scrolling down this page. Also, please scroll down to view all the courses offered! If you are interested in drop in show handling or agility drop ins, please click on the 'drop in/ mat time' link!
Start Date: Sunday March 9 at 1130 am
Instructor: Karen Morrill
5 week course Cost: $120.00
Start Date: TBA
Instructor: Karen Morrill
5 week course Cost: $120.00
Start Date: Thurs Feb 27 at 6pm
Instructor: Sarah Specht
6 week course Cost: $120.00
Start Date: Sunday March 1 at 9am
Instructor: Sarah Specht
6 week course Cost: $120.00
Start Date: TBA
6 week course Cost: $120.00
Start Date: Thursday Feb 27 at 715pm
Instructor: Sarah Specht
6 week course Cost: $120.00
Start Date: Thursday Feb 27 at 830pm
Instructor: Sarah Specht
6 week course Cost: $120.00
Start Date: TBA
Instructor: Sarah Specht
6 week course Cost: $120.00
RALLY OBEDIENCE (Intermediate/ Novice)
Start Date: TBA
Instructor: Arletta Michaud
6 week course Cost: $120.00
RALLY OBEDIENCE (Advanced/ Excellent)
Start Date: TBA
Instructor: Arletta Michaud
6 week course Cost: $120.00
RALLY OBEDIENCE (Excellent/ Masters)
Start Date: TBA
Instructor: Arletta Michaud
6 week course Cost: $120.00
THE ART OF SHOW HANDLING In Depth ( Beginner )
Start Date: TBA
Instructor: Samantha Lengyel
5 week course Cost: $120.00
THE ART OF SHOW HANDLING In Depth ( Advanced )
Start Date: TBA
Instructor: Samantha Lengyel
5 week course Cost: $120.00
You can register for classes several ways.
#1- Click on the paypal button below & pay for your class online.
#2- Stop by our facility and register at The Dog House in person.
#3- Send an e-transfer payment of $135.60 to kmorrill@tbaytel.net
If you choose the paypal feature or e-transfer methods of payment, you must download the registration form and fill it out. It can either be delivered to the store or brought on your first night/day of class and given to your instructor.
ALSO: You must email us at thedoghouseandmore@outlook.com and let us know what class you are signing up for!
You will then be signed up! Just show up for class! :)
The application form MUST be filled out! If you cannot print it off, I will email you one!
Please be sure to bring these things to class! (we have them available for purchase in our store)
* 6 foot leather lead * clicker * High value training treats ( and I mean GREAT stuff) * buckle or training collar
YOUR SUCCESS DEPENDS ON YOU!!!! So please bring a positive outlook & a lot of patience
(C$ 0.00 shipping)
dogtrainingappformjpeg (jpg)
DownloadPuppies must have their first set of shots & be at least 10 weeks of age.
This class is designed to help your new puppy fit in with its new family. The sooner you start your training, the less chance problems will develop. Owners will learn how to mark and reward desirable behavior, gain effective leadership and build a relationship with their new family members. Obedience exercises taught help address common “nuisance” behaviours like pulling on leash or jumping up on house guests, and also condition calmness, stillness, and impulse control.
This class builds on the skills learned in Puppy Kindergarten and develops new skills including loose leash walking, handler focus, recalls, object targeting, and self control games. Dogs will be exposed to scaled-down agility equipment and a variety of surfaces. Socialization skills, obedience skills, flexibility and body awareness will be covered.
This class is designed for older puppies, rescues or those needing basic training.
From puppyhood through adulthood, these classes are great!
Perfect Pet 1 is designed for those that wish to have that 'well behaved pet.' We teach the dog owner how to better communicate and create a life long bond with their canine friend. Through positive training methods, we try to find the best way to create a happy and confident dog who understands what is expected of him in real life situations.There will also be discussions of general problem solving.
If you took Perfect Pet 1 from us, this will be a continuation and reinforcement of those skills.
This is a class for small dogs only!
These classes require previous training classes. Please call us if you are unsure if you meet the criteria at 623-8813
This class will introduce you to the world of Rally! We will be concentrating on learning novice signs in a unique and easy manner. This is the perfect class for anyone that is starting in Rally or anyone that wants to hone their skills. If you are looking for a great class to help you achieve that "X" in your Grand Champion title, then this is the class for you!
This is a level up from beginners
This class is for the more advanced enthusiasts!
Higher level of obedience training-These classes require previous training classes. Please call us if you are unsure if you meet the criteria at 623-8813
You'll work as a team with your dog in exercises such as scent discrimination, directed jumping, signal work, working away from handler while retaining focus. This will assist with building the dog’s confidence, proper drive recognition & maintaining control while dealing with layered distractions. Handler and dog will learn the tools for building mutual respect, while enhancing the dog’s desire to work in a distracting environment while maintaining and enthusiastic desire to work.
help handlers to use play as foundation for exercises such as heel off leash, retrieving on flat and over jump, drop on recall, stays out of sight, etc.
These classes will assist with building the dog’s confidence, proper drive recognition, maintaining control while dealing with layered distractions. Handler and dog will learn the tools for building mutual respect, while enhancing the dog’s desire to work in a distracting environment while maintaining and enthusiastic desire to work.
This is a 7 week course for trainers who want to accomplish engaged focus, building instinctive breed specific drive by understanding canine genetics, relationship building, building an important base or foundation through achievable short & long term goals & understanding the concept of having an 'on' and 'off' button
This 7 week program will be geared towards serious minded & goal oriented trainers. Emphasis being on understanding various training concepts play and reward based training
It is reward based, play foundation work where you can train your dog without boring repetition. This class is for anyone who wants their dog focussed solely on you, be with you & work with you. Whether just playing in the yard or trialling your dog in utility, this is a fast paced class that combines obedience with a little bit of agility to bring the joy back into obedience training. Prerequisite: Completion of Perfect Pet 1 with a reasonable off lead re-call.
These classes require previous training classes. Please call us if you are unsure if you meet the criteria at 623-8813
Introduce and teach your dog to perform the various obstacles while improving or enhancing play and tug skills as well as other ways to reinforce during training.
A level up from foundations....more advanced obstacles
A level up from intermediate...a competitive level of training
For the dog show enthusiasts!
These classes are generally at noon or 1pm on Sundays! Please check this page or the Drop In/ Mat Rental page weekly to ensure there is a class and that we haven't had to change the times.
Scroll down a bit for more information on these classes!
Whether you are looking to have mat time in a "class" setting or you want someone going over your dog, this class is for you.
Becoming a winning team has to start somewhere and being a part of this class is just the place.
In this class you will learn how to present your dog to the judge with that 'look at me' attitude. You will learn the mechanics of the ring and what the judge really wants to see. We will cover all of the aspects of presentation both in and out of the ring. Questions on grooming, attire, ways to move your dog and other tips that will help you become a winning team!
Show Handling classes are Sundays at 1220pm, 1pm, 140pm & 220pm
You will get 4 classes for $30
You can either pay by using the paypal button, e-transfer me at kmorrill@tbaytel.net (password: poodle) or stop by the store!
You must contact us to book any and all private lessons. We need to know what is required ahead of time so we can work out a program for each individual dog.
The cost of private lessons is from $75/ hour to $100/ hour which must be paid for and requires a form to be filled out before the session begins.
Fear, Aggression, and Anxiety – Behavior Modification for Dog.
We’ll help you help your dog overcome fear, aggression, hyperactivity, and destructive behavior without the use of force, intimidation, or pain.
Common Behaviour Issues
Reactivity, fear and aggression towards other dogs
Reactivity, fear and aggression towards strangers, children, or inanimate objects
Separation Anxiety
Handling Sensitivity (grooming, touching, nail trimming, touching)
Resource Guarding (protectiveness towards toys, bones, or stolen objects)
Territorial Behaviour (barking at the doorbell)
What We Help You With
Understanding why your dog is behaving the way it does
Teaching you the underlying principles of how to humanely and effectively treat the issue
Training you to implement the exercises and protocols required to help your dog over the long-term
Key Principles
Focus on the dog’s emotional attitude, not its behaviour – Helping an animal overcome fear and aggression requires slowly teaching the dog to tolerate, and eventually like what it currently is afraid of or hates. Punishing a dog using a choke or shock collar may stop barking and lunging but it does not change the dog’s emotional attitude towards whatever it doesn’t like. Therefore, punishment is not an option.
Set the dog up for success – Don’t put the dog in a situation where it rehearses bad behavior, and reward the dog for making good choices.
Manage the environment – Don’t put the dog in an environment where its triggers are too intense for it to handle.
Empower owners – Long-term behavioral modification requires consistency and patience. Our goal is to train owners so they become as good at behavioral modification as we are.
Approaches used: Classical Counter-Conditioning, Systematic Desensitization, Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior, Operant Conditioning with Functional Rewards
With respect to Private Lessons
Please know that aggressive behavior and dogs that are hard to handle are the most common issues, we do work on several other issues that you may be having a hard time with. Please list your concerns on the contact form so we can work out a program that suits your individual needs!
***If you require "private" sessions with one of our trainers with respect to behavioral concerns or more advanced one on one training, please feel free to contact us.
I have been involved with dogs with what seems a zillion years. There is nothing more fulfilling than watching a dog who has been a 'problem child' flourish. My main passion is the conformation ring, and dog psychology. I work with several dogs that require additional care & understanding and realize that a dog's mind is unbelievably unique and complex at times.
I find it extremely rewarding when I can break through the barrier and achieve a level of mutual respect with my client dogs. Patience and a strong level of positive leadership is what is absolutely necessary and what I promise.
I have bred & trained German Shepherd Dogs for 20 years and have recently become involved with Afghan Hounds and now breed Standard Poodles under the prefix of VisualArt!
Seven dogs own me...and are the loves of my life
** Envy, Mighty, Halo, Prophet, Solar, Shine and Tizzy are fixtures at the center.
I am all about science based POSITIVE MOTIVATIONAL training and ensuring that you will leave our program with a dog that will give you a lifetime partnership of love & respect!
A Member of the Canadian Kennel Club for 35 years
In 1963 the first purebred Collie joined me. She was Pixie, Ch. & OT Ch.Ravensglen Lovely, UD who set records for Collies, becoming the first Ch./UD titleholder in the breed history in Canada. She was only 3 years old when she finished her Utility Dog degree, the highest formal obedience title available at the time. Since then, I have been involved in many areas of the dog world with a number of my dogs being Pixie’s descendants. I have owned/bred/finished the Championships on many dozens of Collies, and completed titles on many dogs of other breeds such as Shepherds, Dobermans, Tibetan Terriers, Shelties, and so on. I have enjoyed working on obedience titles and have a number to my credit as well as a tracking title and a number of CKC herding titles. Currently my dogs and I are exploring the worlds of Rally and Agility.
I believe in positive training, the old methods were punitive, and I have chosen to be a partner with my dogs not a feared master. It makes a world of difference in the quality of the relationship and in performance, quite frankly. A wagging, happy, willing dog is such a joy! Dog sports enhance the relationship of dog and person and I feel that a dog with a job is a fulfilled being and taking the relationship with a dog to that level is truly the ultimate “inter species” experience! Just after Pixie finished her UD, I started teaching dogs and their human partners and have trained all levels of formal obedience and also show handling and junior handling. As well, I have had a career in classroom teaching that stretched for 35, busy, challenging and much enjoyed years. Certainly, as has been noted, teaching goes both ways. I’m always learning from students! That is very much part of the experience for me!
Arletta has always had dogs but got her first registered collie in 1970. She exhibits her dogs in conformation and performance. She has bred over 25 breed champion collies (rough & smooth) under the kennel prefix Glenwater, including a home bred Best in Show winner.
She has achieved Obedience Trial Championships on her collie and has earned many obedience titles on her collies & a sheltie with multiple class placements and High in Trials.
She is always competing with her dogs in herding trials and is constantly pursuing and learning more about positive training & canine behavior.
She is also a retired professional groomer
She has taught obedience classes for 35+ yrs and has the 1st Rally Master title in Thunder Bay & 1st Rally Master Collie in Canada
She is a Life Member of CKC, TBK&TC
I've had dogs all my life and a desire to go further into training than just having the everyday family pet. When I rescued Ginger (a Cairn Terrier....think Toto but red-blonde) I was finally able to pursue a sport I found when I was a teenager. While watching show jumping at a fair they had the horse/dog team competition and it introduced me to agility. I knew in the back of my head that my first dog would be involved no matter the breed. I've been training Ginger for 6 years in agility and been trialing for 4. I have had many great trainers (for whom I wouldn't be here without them!) and am finally able to step up and be one myself. Ginger has also taught me a lot as well. She's shown me that even the dog with great drive in class will be a 100% different dog in a trial setting. I've had to be creative with the way I run her and a lot of thinking outside of the box (and on my feet!). She has definitely been an adventure to learn with and I'm happy my first agility dog has been a bit of a challenge. I'm hoping that I can guide my students into successful teams who have fun out in the field. I want to share my love and enjoyment of the sport and I hope I will be able to pass that on to them.
"Samantha is the Breeder behind FoxFire Beagles – a local breeding program who’s hounds are proudly bred for excellence, health and temperament and accomplishments reflect this. Her passion and dedication to raising sound, well socialized Beagles not only reflects in her breeding program but also in her approach as an instructor working with the young dogs. With the knowledge and experience of raising many litters paired with over a decade of practical, hands-on experience training hundreds of puppies of different breeds, Samantha’s specialty is Puppyhood. From understanding breed instinct traits, to relationship building, to the importance of putting focus in crucial areas of training - she thrives and truly enjoys working with young, moldable puppies with a realistic, no-fluff approach. Sam’s mantra being “train the dog in front of you” and how she approaches each puppy as it’s own individual, helps owners understand not only why behaviors are happening but also how to address them and move forward with a positive and fair approach. Sam is a strong believer in setting up puppies for a lifetime of success while providing owners tools to have a well balanced, canine companion to love and enjoy for years to come.